Products tagged with Tekno Scania 1-serie

Tekno Scania 141 with 2-axle classic tanktrailer SVEND DAHL
Article code 87041
in stock
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For this you need to make a deposit. If you cancel the item, there will be no refund.
You will receive a message from us as soon as your model is ready.
For this you need to make a deposit. If you cancel the item, there will be no refund.
You will receive a message from us as soon as your model is ready.

Tekno Scania 140 riged truck with 2-axle tilt trailer KIM JOHANSEN
Article code 87002
in stock
We offer you the option to reserve the model.
For this you need to make a deposit.
If you cancel the item, there will be no refund.
You will receive a message from us as soon as your model is ready.
For this you need to make a deposit.
If you cancel the item, there will be no refund.
You will receive a message from us as soon as your model is ready.

Tekno Scania 140 met 2-assige classic tilttrailer TORBEN LANG
Article code 86034
in stock
We offer you the option to reserve the model.
For this you need to make a deposit. If you cancel the item, there will be no refund.
You will receive a message from us as soon as your model is ready.
For this you need to make a deposit. If you cancel the item, there will be no refund.
You will receive a message from us as soon as your model is ready.

Tekno Scania S Highline with refrigerated trailer VTS
Article code 75150
out of stock

Tekno Scania streamline highline with container Anders Jonsson Sweden
Article code 69395-M
in stock

Tekno Scania 146 Torpedo 6x4 Stangeland
Article code 77084-M
in stock

Tekno Scania R Topline with refrigerated trailer P&C Hamilton
Article code 59315-M
in stock

Tekno Scania 124L/400 with curtain sided trailer David Hathaway UK
Article code MUS378-M
out of stock

Tekno Scania 143M streamliner Verstraelen MSAS België
Article code 950604-M-P
in stock